The TEA Distinguished Service Award recognizes the exceptional contributions made to the Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) by TEA members who have gone above and beyond in their support of the Association.
This award is named in honor of the late Peter Chernack, an industry innovator, former TEA President, and lifelong volunteer to the TEA. Peter passed away on April 3, 2016, but his 40-year history in the Themed Entertainment Industry—as an entrepreneur, outspoken supporter of the TEA, and passionate advocate—exemplifies the spirit of the Distinguished Service Award.
How Recipients Are Selected
The TEA Distinguished Service Award is presented annually by a representative(s) from the TEA Past Presidents Advisory Committee at the THEA Awards ceremonies, recognizing a TEA member's exceptional contributions "above and beyond the call of duty" to the Association.
- Nominations for this award are open to the TEA membership and are based on published criteria.
- The final selection of the recipient is made by the Past Presidents Advisory Committee and approved by the TEA International Board of Directors.
- Award recipients will receive an award plaque acknowledging their service to the TEA during the THEA Awards.
Criteria for Selection
- Eligibility: TEA members in good standing, except those currently serving on TEA International, Division Boards, or the Past Presidents Advisory Committee during the year leading up to the THEA Awards Gala.
- For 2025, the nominating form will be distributed to the TEA International and Division Boards. All nominations must be submitted to the Past Presidents Committee Liaison and the TEA Executive Director by Thursday, July 25, 2024, to be reviewed at the August International Board meeting.
Nominations will be accepted from any current TEA member. The Past Presidents Advisory Committee will collect and review nominations, and by a majority vote, will recommend a candidate to the International Board approximately one week before the August meeting. The International Board will then review and act on the recommendation.
- If the International Board rejects the candidate, the Past Presidents Committee will submit an alternate within one week of the decision. If the alternate is not approved, no recipient will be selected for that year.
- Once approved by the International Board, the International Board President (or their designated agent) will formally notify the selected candidate, with acceptance contingent on their ability to attend the THEA Awards Gala.
Guidelines for Award Selection
To be eligible for the TEA Distinguished Service Award, the nominee must:
- Be a TEA member in good standing.
- Not currently serve on TEA International or Division Boards, or the Past Presidents Advisory Committee.
- Have been active in the industry for a minimum of five years.
- Have made demonstrable and outstanding contributions to the TEA mission, "above and beyond the call of duty."
- Be available to accept the award at the THEA Awards Gala.
Nominating Information to Be Submitted to the TEA Past Presidents Committee
When submitting a nomination, please provide the following:
- Nominee's Name and Contact Information
- A brief statement of your reasons for nominating the candidate.
- Your contact information and date of submission.
The TEA Distinguished Service Award honors those who have truly gone above and beyond in their service to the Association, reflecting the legacy of Peter Chernack and his lifelong commitment to the TEA and the themed entertainment industry.

Lynn Willrich
Co-Owner І Director, D J Willrich, Ltd.
David Green & Lisa Passamonte Green
Kevin Murphy & Peter Weishar
Lynn Allmandinger
Dale Sprague
Wendy Heinmann-Nunes
Michel Linet-Frion
Annika Oetken & Joe Fox
Peter Chernack (awarded posthumously)
John Robinett
Pat MacKay
Karen McGee
Judith Rubin
Gene Jeffers